Every year when spring rolls around, I can count on one thing – I’ll be sneezing, wheezing, and hacking for at least 2 weeks.
My seasonal allergies were confirmed when I was 14 – that’s when the doctor told me I suffer from springtime rhinitis – spring allergies, essentially (it was sort of hard for me not to envision a rhinoceros when the doc diagnosed me with “rhinitis”).
Every year since then, I’ve been loading up on the nasal sprays and Kleenex. Not that I can really cure myself of a seasonal allergy, but I might as well do the best I can to cope with it, right?
As my allergies come and go each year, I’ve been trying to perfect how I handle them. While everyone is unique and will need a personalized strategy for coping with their seasonal allergies, I have devised a few strategies of my own and hope you find them helpful